How we help
The Children’s Home is responsible for the care, support, protection and development of the children in its custody through various therapeutic and developmental programmes. Orphaned, abused or neglected children, as well as children in need of care and protection are referred to HVH from the Department of Social Development. These children are all from the Swartland area, but children from the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town, as well as other areas are admitted when necessary.
In terms of Regulation 75(2) of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005, programmes implemented at Child and Youth Care Centres must be approved by the Provincial Head of Social Development. The HOD has authorized the Director: Facility Management and Inspectorate, Ms L Goosen as a suitably qualified person to assess and approve the programmes of CYCC’s in the Western Cape (refer to section 191(4)(a) and (b)).
- Developmental Assessments
- Individual Counseling
- Grief Counseling
- Psycho-social support
- Trauma Counseling
- Play Therapy
- Behaviour Modification
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Conflict Resolution
- Anger Management
- Substance Dependency and Prevention
- Occupational Therapy
- Victim Empowerment – Middle Childhood
- Victim Empowerment - Adolescence
- Theft
- Bullying
- Emotional Intelligence - Teenagers
- Emotional Intelligence – Primary School
- HIV/Aids Prevention
- Rights and Responsibilities of children
- Independent Living
- Independent Living – School leavers
- Income Generating Activities
- Early Childhood Development
- Preparation for secondary school
- Substance Dependency and Prevention
- Sport and Recreational
- Choir / Singing
- Drama and Dancing
- Board Games
Our History
Huis van Heerde were founded by Rev G.L. van Heerde, because of the thousands of children who were orphaned due to the Terrible Flu-Pandemic in 1918, which destroyed the world’s communities and families and left orphaned children in its wake. Many of these children were young girls. His vision was to care, support, protect and develop the children through various therapeutic and developmental programmes to orphaned and vulnerable children.
The Moorreesburg Council heard about a meeting that was held in Wellington by the Sinodale Kommisie vir die Diens van Barmhartigheid (SKDB) which addressed the question whether a community like Malmesbury or Moorreesburg would benefit from a home for these girls, on 21 April 1919. The council decided to have the home in Moorreesburg. The building was completed in 1920 and the orphaned girls could move into their new safe space.
There were almost no orphaned girls left and it was decided to rename the children’s home to a child & youth care centre that would take care of poor children of all genders of those broken homes.
The Child and Youth Care Centre were renamed as Huis van Heerde CYCC, in honour of the late Reverent van Heerde.
Huis van Heerde formed part of the Sinodale Dienste of the Dutch Reformed Church.
The original building were replaced by a completely new building, in order to see to the needs of all the children.
BADISA, a welfare service of the Dutch Reformed Church (Western Cape) and the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (Cape, were founded. Huis van Heerde forms part of BADISA, which is a social service provider of these two churches. Badisa is a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 011-891) and a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO nr 930 006 348), and all programmes under Badisa uses the same NPO nr.
Celebrating our 100th Birthday
Meet our team

Logistics Team (General Assistants, Drivers, Maintenance & Kitchen)

Social Work & Child & Youth Care Team
BBEEE / Transformation:
The continuous transformation profile of our Board, staff and beneficiaries remains an item of priority.
Huis van Heerde Child and Youth Care Centre subscribes to the objectives of the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes. As a small non-profit enterprise, its contributions in terms of employment equity, preferential development are assessed annually by an independent verification agency.
BBEEE Benefits for Donors:
Huis van Heerde CYCC is a level 4 BBBEE contributor.
Financial & Annual Reports: