How your donations help
Huis van Heerde Children’s Home cares for 70 children. We only receive partial funding from the Department of Social Development: Western Cape, and are therefore dependent upon the generosity of the general public for the continuation of our service delivery to vulnerable and orphaned children. On top of that we have running costs, maintenance costs and many projects to help our children that we need funds for.
- Sponsor a child
- Sponsor a house
- Mentor & Bursary Fund
- Sports Fund
- Therapeutic Intervention Centre
- Arts & Culture
Online Donation
Direct Deposit
Beneficiary: Huis van Heerde
Bank: Nedbank
Branch: Inland Garden Route
Branch Code: 128 - 505
Account Type: Cheque
Account Number: 1285043324
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ
Snap Scan
Debit Order
Download the Debit Order Form below, fill it in and send it back completed to
Huis van Heerde is a registered Children's Home and a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO no 930006348). In terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act nr. 58 of 1962, bona fide donations are tax-deductible in the hands of the donor.